Thursday, August 21, 2008

Spaghetti Blog-anaise

I tried Bloglines. It's a good idea, but I think I prefer subscribing to RSS feeds through the web browser. I guess I can't imagine needing to read all of my favorite blogs when I'm not at home... Actually, it might be good for library related blogs if moving between branches - heres one that's Teacher Librarian related which might be of interest to others in the Children's team.

I suppose I'm just not really into blogs. Having said that, if anyone finds one so amazing that it's bound to hold my interest and result in me checking back regularly then let me know.

On a totally unrelated note, it's Beijing Olympics time at the moment so here's a photo of one of the city's most memorable moments on Flickr.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Proof of Bigfoot's Existence!

I'm not sure how many people would have been following this story about a bunch of people in the US who last week claimed to have found the carcass of the legendary beast and party animal Bigfoot. It turned out to be a halloween costume with some entrails laid on top for effect (surprise, surprise!).

Image my surprise when I typed "Bigfoot" into the search field on Flickr and found indisputable proof that Bigfoot exists! That's right, click right here to see the indisputable evidence that humans have a big, furry, funloving, pic-a-nic basket stealing cousin running around the wilds of North America...